Urishita Pandita

Hey ! I am an software developer, learning how to build and design scalable websites and applications. My focus is to build with better user experience, good developer experience and meaningful impact.

πŸ‘‰ urishitapandita745@gmail.com

Skills & Qualifications

Tech stack

Git and Github, Jira, Gerrit


Software Developer Trainee | Cyclotron Inc

January 2024 - present

  • Developed and integrated applications using Microsoft Graph, SharePoint Framework, and Microsoft Copilot for enhanced productivity and data management.
  • Built dynamic and responsive user interfaces with ReactJS and jQuery, improving user experience and interactivity.
Frontend Developer Intern | AssessPrep

September 2023 - November 2023

  • Designed and implemented user interfaces with HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript and increased user engagement by 15% through interactive ReactJS components for diverse assessment types (MCQs, drag-and-drop, open-ended essays) with optimized state management and hooks. Implemented lazy loading and memoization for enhanced efficiency.
  • Built assessment modules with real-time feedback and gamified elements, leveraging Redux for effective state management and handling asynchronous operations.
  • Resolved UI issues for mapped students, addressing join code problems, resulting in a 20% increase in test initiations and improved test accessibility. Closed an AI model loophole to prevent non-numeric values in questions, reducing data inconsistencies by 15%.
Intern | Nokia

August 2022 - July 2023

  • Learned various technologies like Python, DevOps, Shell scripting and tools like Jira.
  • Developed a power app for efficient time booking of Nokia employees.
  • Created a release notes generator to document project milestones.
  • Containerized key application using Docker, improving deployment speed and resource utilization. Integrated Docker with CI/CD pipeline for automated builds, deployments, and scaling.
Frontend Developer Intern | The Fordel Studios

1/2023 - 3/2023

Worked on the development of Fordel Studios’s official website using AngularJS as the primary framework.

  • Collaborated with fellow interns in an early-stage startup environment, gaining valuable teamwork and communication skills
  • Strengthened technical skills in frontend development and gained knowledge of industry-standard practices.

Projects & Accomplishments